An easy way to boost your health is drinking mushrooms. Some manufacturers create coffee with mushroom powder, which contains antioxidants and health benefits. Some experts claim that this coffee alternative can benefit you in several ways.
As a new coffee drinker, I was hesitant when I first heard about mushroom coffee. But, after doing some research, I decided it was worth a try. So, I did, and after just a few sips, I was hooked.
Here’s why you should try it too:

Why Mushroom Coffee Is Better for You Than Regular Coffee?
1. It’s More Nutritious.
A cup of regular brewed coffee contains anywhere from 100 to 200 mg of caffeine. While caffeine is good for you in small doses, too much can cause adverse health effects.
For example, drinking too much caffeine can cause anxiety and insomnia. But, when you drink mushroom coffee, you get more nutritional value.
This is because mushrooms contain many beneficial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein. In fact, one cup of mushroom coffee contains as much protein as a cup of milk. And, just one cup can provide you with 20% of your daily fiber needs.
2. It Has a Richer Flavor.
Mushroom coffee has a richer flavor than regular coffee. So, you don’t need as much of it to get the flavor you love. Also, it doesn’t taste bitter like regular coffee, so you don’t have to add sugar or creamer to mask the flavor.
3. It Contains More Antioxidants.
Mushrooms contain high levels of antioxidants, which protect against cancer, heart disease, and premature aging. In fact, a cup of mushroom coffee contains 10 times the antioxidants found in a cup of regular coffee. Plus, some experts claim that these antioxidants are more potent than those found in green tea and red wine.
4. It Boosts Energy Levels.
If you’re tired, you might want to consider drinking (or eating) mushrooms. They are full of energizing B vitamins, which help convert food into energy. In fact, just one cup of mushroom coffee provides your daily recommended amount of B complex vitamins. And, they also help increase metabolism and burn fat.
5. It Has Less Caffeine.
Since mushroom coffee is made from ground-up mushrooms, it contains less caffeine (about 25 mg) than regular coffee. This makes it a good alternative for people who suffer from anxiety, insomnia, or frequent headaches. However, one cup of regular brewed coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine. So, it’s up to you to decide which drink will give you more energy.
6. It Has a Lower Risk of Heart Disease.
Regular caffeinated coffee is linked to an increased risk of heart disease. But, this does not appear to be the case with mushroom coffee. In fact, one study found that people who drank mushroom coffee had a significantly lower risk of heart failure. So, if you’re worried about your heart health, you might want to give this drink a try.
7. It Can Lower Blood Pressure.
If you suffer from high blood pressure, you might want to drink mushroom coffee. It contains significant amounts of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure. And, it’s high in magnesium, another mineral that is known to help lower blood pressure. So, if you drink just one or two cups of mushroom coffee a day, you could significantly lower your blood pressure.
8. It Can Help You Lose Weight.
Mushrooms contain beta-glucans, which are a type of fiber that has been shown to increase weight loss. In fact, one study found that people on a weight loss diet who drank two cups of mushroom coffee every day lost almost twice as much weight as people who didn’t drink mushroom coffee. Plus, people who drank mushroom coffee felt more full and consumed less food. So, if you want to lose weight, you might want to add a cup of mushroom coffee to your daily routine.
9. It Can Improve Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Mushrooms also contain a special type of fiber called beta-glucans, which have been shown to improve inflammatory bowel disease. And, mushrooms are known to contain other compounds that reduce inflammation, such as L-ergothioneine. So, drinking a cup of mushroom coffee every day could be a great way to reduce inflammation in your body.
10. It Can Help Fight Cancer.
Mushrooms contain special antioxidants called ergothioneine, which have been shown to help fight cancer. In fact, studies show that these antioxidants are particularly effective at preventing cancer from spreading. So, if you drink a cup of mushroom coffee every day, you could help reduce the risk of cancer.
11. It Can Help You Sleep Better.
Mushroom coffee contains large amounts of potassium (more than a banana), which has been shown to help induce sleep. And, it also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that has been shown to improve sleep quality. So, if you want to sleep better, you might want to add a cup of mushroom coffee to your daily routine.
12. It Can Help Prevent Dementia.
Mushroom coffee contains high amounts of antioxidants, which can help reduce the risk of dementia. It also contains a large amount of potassium, which has been shown to be effective at preventing dementia. And, mushrooms contain a lot of vitamin B, which is important for brain health. So, drinking a cup of mushroom coffee every day could be a great way to prevent dementia.
How Can You Prepare Mushroom Coffee?
1. Place the dried mushrooms in a coffee grinder or blender and grind.
2. Place the ground mushrooms into a saucepan and add 2 cups of water.
3. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 25 minutes.
4. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool.
5. Strain through a mesh strainer (to remove debris) and pour into a jar.
6. (Optional) Add the rest of the water to the strained mixture, stir, then refrigerate overnight.
7. Pour the mixture into a coffee maker, brew, and enjoy.
Can Mushroom Coffee Be Harmful To Your Health?
Some people may be allergic to mushrooms. But, if you are allergic to mushrooms, you should already know it.
Some studies have found that high doses of mushrooms can cause liver damage. But, as long as you follow the recommended dose, you should be safe.
In summary…
1. Mushroom coffee contains high amounts of antioxidants, potassium, and vitamin B.
2. Drinking a cup of mushroom coffee every day could help you fight inflammation, improve inflammatory bowel disease, prevent cancer, sleep better, prevent dementia, and improve your overall health.